![Image 1](https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/05/68/45/11/360_F_568451180_PJ3moxPIsp4QwvQTpzlsuZWWcI6ZHnRD.jpg)
Welcome to my professional portfolio. My name is Monica, and I appreciate your interest in learning more about my background and experience in the field of web development. In today's digital age, web development stands as a cornerstone skillset, essential for navigating and thriving in the ever-evolving technological landscape. As our world increasingly gravitates toward digital platforms, proficiency in web development becomes not only advantageous but necessary for success. Within this portfolio, I aim to provide insight into my journey, expertise, and contributions within the realm of web development. Thank you for taking the time to explore my portfolio, and I look forward to sharing more with you.
Diving into new ideas fuels my passion, especially when it comes to coding and crafting unique websites. The Tech Academy's Software Developer Boot Camp has equipped me with skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and more. From creating a space-themed website with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to mastering dynamic login forms and utilizing Bootstrap for responsive designs, each project has honed my abilities. My ultimate goal is to build my own website to showcase my products. I'm confident in my skills and eager to assist with any questions you may have. Let's connect!
You can explore my coding projects on my GitHub profile by following this link: https://github.com/monalucy/monalucy.github.io.git.